Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Some Changes

Hello Owlies,
Have you noticed that lately I’ve been saying “there’s not much going on” a lot? I sure have. It seems each episode has less and less content right now.
With the slowing down of the quest and overall news, I’ve decided to change the News Nest just a bit. I will now be recording every other week, rather than every week. My goal with this change is to make every episode interesting and full of news.
If there is a time sensitive bit of news, such as a swap sign up that will only last for a week, I will be posting special announcements both here and on the blog. I hope that this will continue to keep everyone as up-to-date as possible.
There will not be an episode this week or next, as I get things re-organized, and work through a few other changes with the show. The next episode will be on June 6th.
Thanks very much to the owlies who contacted me in response to the search for a co-host. You guys may be hearing some new voice(s) soon! :)
Much love and hoots, 
Sparrow ♥

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Episode 22: A Belated Happy Birthday

Direct MP3 link: http://ia600208.us.archive.org/0/items/TheNewsNestEp22/NN22.mp3

A very happy belated birthday wish to Stephanie Dosen, the Mama Owl herself! Her birthday fell between two episodes, so better late than never, eh?

A couple of things about this episode: I totally forgot to say anything at all about the Birthday Mothaload Giveaway! HOW COULD I? I am so sorry. Stephanie was kind enough to do a giveaway for her birthday, and the winner was Kiewirose. Congratulations!